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Total reports: 1533
Successful transactions: 62
Scams: 201
Phishing: 1201
Hacks: 14
Downtimes: 8
Late deliveries: 2
Phishing users of BlenderIO bitcoin mixer on TOR network.
Phishing users of Bitcoin Tumbler BitMixBiz
Phishing users of Bitcoin Mixer Bitcloak on TOR network.
Phishing users of SmokersCo vendor on the TOR network.
Phishing users of dark web shop Pushing Taboo on TOR network.
Phishing users of LocalPharm on TOR network.
Phishing users of dark webshop EUbenzos.
Phishing users of Dutch Drugz Psychedelium Market on the TOR network.
Phishing users of TOR cannabis shop THClear.
Phishing users of BlenderIO bitcoin mixer on TOR network.
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