Total reports: 50
Successful transactions: 7
Scams: 3
Phishing: 23
All of the vendor accounts are locked up
Withdraws dont work deposits dont work
Wickr me for more info : highskylimit
Apollon are exit scamming. All vendors have been blocked from their accounts since 28/01/2020. They are now setting new orders to "sent" and keeping all the money.
STAY AWAY!! Apollon is done. Market was working great until about two weeks ago, but now classic exit scam. My last two orders from reliable vendors (placed 1/25) did not come through, and no response to messages, was the first indication of something gone wrong. Then tried to withdraw the rest of my coin and it stayed on the "processing" screen without ever changing. Had no issues with site before this. So Frustrating!!!! Save your coin, stay away from Apollon!
SCAMMMMMM ! All order automatic send but IT'S never send, stole my money ( -355€ ) fuck you scam
ALL QUIT APOLLON you never received your order, withdraw impossible, I pay for killing Scammer, no fake.
Trusted vendors on other reliable sites are being impersonated. Do not trust this site even if it looks like your go to vendor. Verify with them on their main market before ordering. THIS MARKET IS A SCAM
I am a vendor caut2tuff wikr - caut2tuff and i have been unable to login in to my vendor account since today Morning. I therefore made a throwaway account to ask the admins and they said its a glith since the new update. But i have been on recently and i can see my vendor account is accepting sales while i am locked out. Doesnt take a genius to figure out what is happening. They are exit scamming so please all my customers I am sorry but any orders finalized and shipped today are down to the Apollon admin reach out to me via wikr or on my empire account and i will see if i can be of good grace and help some. Thanks! Stay Blessed!
Wir wollen uns bei allen Käufern entschuldigen, die Bestellungen bei uns aufgegeben haben und nun keine Ware bekommen. Uns sind gerade einfach, wie allen Vendor hier die Hände gebunden. Wenn Apollon doch noch erkennt, dass es falsch ist, was Sie da tuen, ALLE noch offenen Bestellung bearbeiten, unsere schon längeren Kunden wissen mit wieviel Herzblut wir an die Sache gegangen sind! Ihr seid uns nicht egal, falls Ihr Kontakt aufbauen möchtet, sucht uns auf dem Empire Market oder dem Avaris Market.
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Phishing Apollon Market.