Total reports: 11
Scams: 8
Phishing: 2
Hacks: 1
Spamming comments of Onion.Live non-stop. Always use Escrow platforms.
//General support wickr id//; scarfacedark01
Whatsapp: +1(505)3361734
Telegram: @scarfacedark01
Fake Vendor sells the following:
Drugs & Chemicals (Benzos
Cannabis & Hashish, Dissociatives, Ecstasy, Opioids, Prescription, Steroids, Stimulants, Tobacco, Psychedelics, Pharaphernalia)
Account & Bank Drops, CCV & Cards, Dumps, Personal Information & Scans
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Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of ProtonMail with 97.387% probability that I am correct.