Found (327) results.
Pornhub is the world's leading free porn site. Choose from millions of hardcore videos that stream quickly and in high quality, including amazing VR Porn.
Categories: Onion Directory,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Up | 3.153s | 1y | |
Dread Forum is a reddit style discussion darknet forum, Dread is the main place where users migrated after Reddit banned the darknet community /r/darknetmarkets. Dread was created by its main admin /u/HugBunter and is currently the go-to forum for darknet-related discussions.
Categories: Discussion Forums,
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http://dreadditelvynevo.onion/ | Down | Timeout | 5y | |
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http://he22pncoselnm54h.onion/ | Down | Timeout | 3y |
Reddit style deep web forum where users can freely ask questions privately.
Categories: Discussion Forums,
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http://answerszuvs3gg2l64e6hmnryudl5zgrmwm3vh65hzszdghblddvfiqd.onion | Up | 5.999s | 1y |
Deutschland im Deep Web is a German darkweb forum and the successor of the original DiDW developed and run by luckyspax a German darknet icon who led his forum for about six years. Its main focus lies on free speech.
Categories: Discussion Forums,
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http://germany2igel45jbmjdipfbzdswjcpjqzqozxt4l33452kzrrda2rbid.onion | Up | 3.972s | 1y | |
Deep Search Engine is a darknet search engine that promotes known scams on the Tor network. Deep Search claims to be built by students who created a new powerful Tor search engine. We developed a new onion crawler with a unique ranking system.
Categories: Hall of Shame,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://search7tdrcvri22rieiwgi5g46qnwsesvnubqav2xakhezv4hjzkkad.onion | Up | 6.675s | 1y |
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http://danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion/ | Up | 7.696s | 1y |
Heineken Express is a darkweb vendor on the Tor Network. HeinekenExpress is in the market for over 5 years tarted in 2015 with a small team, shipping only to a few countries.
Categories: Vendor Shops,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://heinekexxo77vjgmasoq3xqxqwndq74iq7grpqw3bfvdpb6vcmf2kcqd.onion | Down | Timeout | 1y | |
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Up | 1.423s | 1y | |
Superbay is the official Pirate Bay Forum on the darknet that has threads that let users report extremely illegal content such as Child Porn / Real rape videos, as well as request threads that can be used to request new links which may not be easily available on the search engine.
Categories: Discussion Forums,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Up | 0.324s | 1y | |
8chan, the darkweb forum that was forced offline in August 2019 is back after rebranding as 8kun.
Categories: Onion Directory,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion | Down | Timeout | 4y |
It's a Javascript-free darknet marketplace used to buy or sell a lot of goods. The site's main focus is on security, privacy, and being user-friendly.
Categories: Markets,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://57d5j6hfzfpsfev6c7f5ltney5xahudevvttfmw4lrtkt42iqdrkxmqd.onion/ | Down | Timeout | 2y | |
Infodig is an ssn database that offers credit reports, scans, and accounts all fully automated and easy to use. Unlike other services they do not charge any price for search, it’s totally free. Its the most legit and accurate ssn dob search service.
Categories: Vendor Shops,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Down | Timeout | 4y |
Tom and Jerry Shop is a hidden service on the Tor Network ran by an experienced darknet vendor.
Categories: Vendor Shops,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://tomjerr2cwoo2icmq2ijvmao2bjkawhtw2c7n6vmzqzomkyqea2o5dqd.onion | Down | Timeout | 2y |
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Up | 1.871s | 1y | |
Psychonaut Wiki Community driven encyclopedia with primary goal documenting all aspects of psychonautics such as meditation, lucid dreaming, and psychoactive substance use.
Categories: Onion Directory,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | | | Up | 1.698s | 1y | |
Runion is a Russian forum created by people with a “heightened sense of justice, for which anonymity, security and freedom have the highest priority among other aspects of communication.”
Categories: Discussion Forums,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://lwplxqzvmgu43uff.onion | Down | Timeout | 5y |
Endchan is an anonymous imageboard that promotes ideas over identity on the darknet. Anyone can run their own boards.
Categories: Discussion Forums,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion | Up | 10.283s | 1y | |
KLOS is a service that provides hosting on a highly secure platform. We operate without regard for any legal jurisdiction. We can organize vendor shops and offer our own highly secure 'picosite' software. We can install open source web apps for you, such as PhpBB, Mediawiki, and Wordpress... and much much more. Tor Network hosting provider.
Categories: Onion Directory,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://kaizushih5iec2mxohpvbt5uaapqdnbluaasa2cmsrrjtwrbx46cnaid.onion | Up | 6.243s | 1y |
Nemesis Market is a darknet marketplace offering world wide shipping • Monero (XMR) Only • No Javascript • Escrow System • 5% Commission Fee
Categories: Markets,
URL | Status | Conn. Time | Last Seen | |
http://nemesis555nchzn2dogee6mlc7xxgeeshqirmh3yzn4lo5cnd4s5a4yd.onion | Down | Timeout | 3y |