Trust DB

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Overall Statistics:

Total reports: 2671

Successful transactions: 318

Scams: 487

Phishing: 1619

Hacks: 33

Downtimes: 27

Late deliveries: 8


This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

highskylimit - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

highskylimit - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

Diogenic - 5y

Finally got a refund today, took over 2 months. Empire is not a scam as I would have thought they are just overwhelmed with lots of disputes and the ddos attacks. Stay vigilant lots of vendors exit scamming but the market is bouncing back

kushd - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

RestingBull - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

kitkat - 5y

more than a month ago created a dispute administration does not react in any way does not respond. seller is a scumbag went online a month ago

joker888 - 5y

This market is still up and working perfectly fine, just ordered something 20 minutes ago. Simple and easy, nothing has changed.

Boylen44 - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

Cylindergrill - 5y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

boloxraull95 - 5y