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Total reports: 2671
Successful transactions: 318
Scams: 487
Phishing: 1619
Hacks: 33
Downtimes: 27
Late deliveries: 8
French cocain seller, serious guy i have spend more than 1200 euros in their shop, every time the cocain is top notch and delivery always on point, go for it
No problems with 3/3 good transactions ... but WHY IS IT ALWAYS DOWN!!!
Seriously! ...even when no links are live, I can usually get a live connection and gain access. When its all GREEN and reported as live, its the hardest to get logged in.
Its just too damn unreliable, and that is why I have ZERO confidence in this market. A real shame, I don't know why this is happening, perhaps rival markets are attacking it because it is very successful. If that is the case, and these arseholes think we are going to jjmp ship and use their market, then they are WRONG, if anything, it just makes me GIVE UP, and I don't spend my money at the markets.
Its a real shame that Empire is had so much downtime since November 2019, its just not reliable.
Wir (Coalcamp1949) sind Vendor explizit für Kokain und Crack auf Empire (187 Verkäufe) und nun auch im Avaris Market (3 Verkäufe) und haben dort gute Erfahrung gemacht mit dem Bearbeitungsprozess! Können den Markt empfehlen als gute Alternative zu dem #1 Markt.
Einzigstes Manko ist die Zeichensetztung beim Nachrichten schreiben. Zeichen wie sind nicht erlaubt aber uns scheint es so, dass dort noch weitere Einschränkungen herrschen, evtl auch die menge an geschriebenen Zeichen oder die Buchstaben ä,ü,ü sind dort ebenfalls umzuwandeln und ae, oe, ue.
Daumen hoch :)
This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.