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Total reports: 1533
Successful transactions: 62
Scams: 201
Phishing: 1201
Hacks: 14
Downtimes: 8
Late deliveries: 2
Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of The Hidden Wiki with 97.143% probability that I am correct.
Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of Silk Road 3.1 - Exit Scam with 100.000% probability that I am correct.
Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of The Hidden Wiki with 97.143% probability that I am correct.
I bought a PRIVATE deezer.com account for 2$, but no login possible.
I created a ticket but nobody answers.
I have put money on this market 3 times and 2 different accounts they are exit scamming it's been 4 days no money on any accounts move markets because this one is just scamming people to much
marketesters - 5y
Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of Cannazon Market with 96.226% probability that I am correct.
HolyGoat - 5y