Trust DB

Look up a scammer's username or a URL in our Trust DB

Overall Statistics:

Total reports: 2671

Successful transactions: 318

Scams: 487

Phishing: 1619

Hacks: 33

Downtimes: 27

Late deliveries: 8


Have ordered both from their main site, and from their darknetmarket. Both deliveries went through, stealth is good, quality is good. Pleasant communication with vendors too! Recommended.

cobninetythree1 - 4y

Them vendors are legit

-energy - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

DarkPro - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

DarkPro - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

DarkPro - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

RichTheKid - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

RichTheKid - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

RichTheKid - 4y

This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.

incka - 4y

i need to fund my vendor his name( bluer ) thank you

lilo - 4y