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Total reports: 1533
Successful transactions: 62
Scams: 201
Phishing: 1201
Hacks: 14
Downtimes: 8
Late deliveries: 2
deposited funds into my account's wallet successfully 12/22-12/23. Trying to make a purchase but all the mirrors are down and the main empire~.onion site keeps looping back at the login screen.
Briefly got in to a mirror site to view my wallet balance on 12/24 before it too went down.
Christmas break?
I just noticed on many vendors profiles almost the same reports about the site's having problems so I think this is the last time with it plus I can't withdraw my money cause it says that I don't have sufficient funds regardless of the amount at the time, luckily I have less than 40 bucks so in the worst case scenario ain't no big loss but still I want my fuckin money back and after 3 weeks since I've opened a ticket to solve it out of course no admin showed up yet.. just a lil warning if you deposit any amount be sure to get your orders or you won't get your money back..that's my feeling
Str8Gr8 - 5yDeposited bitcoin into Empire address, funds never showed up. I've attempted contacting empire multiple times. No response from them and it's been almost a month.
bobmason123 - 5y
This is a fake review, do not trust me. I am a pathetic scammer.
Kiko1982 - 5y