Trust DB

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Overall Statistics:

Total reports: 2671

Successful transactions: 318

Scams: 487

Phishing: 1619

Hacks: 33

Downtimes: 27

Late deliveries: 8


Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of Empire Market with 88.347% probability that I am correct.

HolyGoat - 4y

one of the best research system, so many filters! impressive!

OgPowa - 4y

Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of Empire Market with 97.034% probability that I am correct.

HolyGoat - 4y

just discovered this market, thanks onionlive. looks really good indeed. i try deposit and withdraw, btc came fast. withdraw took about 25 minutes. time is for me to make my first order, i will post a review

newton - 4y

like razor2754 i was not able to reach the market earlier, but not like this guy i know bigblue is strong and will never let down user.. market not accessible maybe because of a DDOS attack again but definitely not a scam. for my case my money is still in my account and my shipped order still at their places too...

FutureTheBest - 4y

After doing the captcha I get 502 Bad Gateway. Early in the morning I still could login. Then I send some BTCs to my Big Blue account. Around 1 hrs later I got the message that BTC haven been successfully transferred and I tried to login to the market again => Since then 502 Bad Gateway.

razor2754 - 4y

Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of Empire Market with 96.815% probability that I am correct.

HolyGoat - 4y

dope design, dope market, dope staff... only thing, not enough vendors yet but I see it's getting better day after day. Greetings

eSc0B4R - 4y

i like this modern market. the livechat without javascript is real good and works perfectly. bigblue number one soon for sure

Odin - 4y

satisfied by purchase

astroming - 4y