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Total reports: 2671
Successful transactions: 318
Scams: 487
Phishing: 1619
Hacks: 33
Downtimes: 27
Late deliveries: 8
Hello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of ProtonMail with 97.387% probability that I am correct.
Very good first experience on this market. Support is very responsive and ready to help noob such as me. Bought gift card from DrunkNinja couple of times. Nice seller
doomsday - 4yJust transferred $1025 to my wallet but a couple hours later, that & everything in my wallet was sent to a random address. Know one knows my pin so I know it was EM. Sent them a report ticket but they've never respond to anything. This is not the first time they've done this so be careful. They really are scammers more than anything. What a horrible time to completely wipe out peoples money. They will be cursed!
casey - 4yHello I am a goat and I fight phishing on the Darknet. I found a new phishing mirror of new shit. with 69.815% probability that I am correct.
I signed up two weeks ago on this new market, I ordered from two different sellers, chose from those who respond most quickly, I had a response in a few hours and my orders in 3 days.
OGfire - 4yformer user of Alpha and Dream, I must admit that this BigBlue is the best market of the moment, a lot of features not found elsewhere, I like this market