


Fake vendor gets you to go offline to move orders quicker. Then he goes into all sorts of pressure and drama to get you to FE on things he will never ever ship. What's worse is that Admins are in on it - This vendor, the admins and Agartha are worthless POS in a shit market that needs to be shut down.
Admins will sound like they are on your side initially, but then they start turning ugly (by the end not even capable of writing clear sentences) and against you. Then nada.
Do not go with any vendor that offers a wickr or offline account (whatsapp for a DN vendor?!).
Do not go offline with anyone. The market exists to protect both buyers and sellers.
Check the reviews - if there are many repeated user reviews on the SAME day, run.
Use the better markets - namely Empire.
If you must use Ag, make sure the vendors have been on previous markets.
Check this site against every transaction.
Karma is a bitch and that bitch is coming for all of them. Rot in hell all of you.


The Admins are in on most everything on Agartha. It needs to be shut down. They initially side with you with nicely worded responses in messaging, then it degrades to street talk level and then they don't fulfill on finalizing refunds or corrective action.
They mark many vendors as level 5 which is "FE" and then tell you to FE because of it. All lies.
You will see that many of them list and encourage use of wickr and offline messaging.
DO NOT DO SO or you will be SCAMMED absolutely.


Empire is a trusted market. Many transactions and not had any problems at all.

Compare this to the very SCAMMY Agartha market. Steer clear of that one.


Probably in cahoots with the Admin. They get you to go offline with a special order and tell you to send BTC and then tell you they need more for a little more product or more for faster shipping. When they do say they are going to ship, it's another BOGUS fake as hell shipping thing on proton where they come back to you with an insurance cost (refundable LOL) of 500 bucks. All a scammmmmm. Such losers.

Admin seems to be in on it for most of the vendors on here. Do not use Agartha, period.